Saturday, April 13, 2013

After I Have Flown

1) MR B is suffering as a result of withdrawal from a prescription medication.

2) Avoid letting a doctor get you hooked on anything, my Readers!

3)                                       Variations


There is a certain strangeness
In seeing that silver ship
Rush across the sky
Over these old trees,
Trees that sought the sun
Before an engine could
Propel a man unto
The place of his desire.


For all those weeks I wait
And I do not go walk
On hills among the trees
That outlived other loves
Long before I loved you.


This is no age for romance.
Morning will not forget
One green flash of light
As your eyes set.


(You dance so smooth and glide
Along the quickest move
As artless as the bird
That sails between the trees
Upon the old hill's side.)


The bird has disappeared.
The airplane's roar is gone.
The trees remain alone.
Until the hill is sheared
After we all have flown.

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